Tsim cov ntawv xov xwm
Tsim cov ntawv xov xwm
Kev Nthuav Tawm Qauv

First Photographs of Hong Kong

Kev Nthuav Tawm Qauv Lub teeb nyem tsom teeb qauv tau tsim los coj cov neeg tuaj ncig rau kev nkag ntawm qhov chaw ua yeeb yam hauv qhov chaw loj loj uas muaj koob yees duab xim dawb nyob tos. Sawv nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm nws, cov qhua tuaj yeem pom cov lus pom kev pom ntawm cov duab dub-dawb-txheej thaum ntxov ntawm Hong Kong thiab tam sim no sab nrauv ntawm qhov chaw ua yeeb yam. Cov chaw teeb tsa pom tias cov qhua tuaj yeem saib lub qub Hong Kong los ntawm lub koob yees duab loj heev thiab nrhiav keeb kwm ntawm Hong Kong kev yees duab los ntawm kev ua yeeb yam no. Nyob sab hauv tsev rotunda thiab cov duab puab lub tsev sawv tau tsim los tso saib cov duab keeb kwm thiab nthuav tawm ib qho tseem ceeb ntawm “Victoria City”.

Lub npe Project : First Photographs of Hong Kong, Tus tsim qauv lub npe : Lam Wai Ming, Neeg lub npe : Hong Kong Photographic Culture Association; Cécile Léon Art Projects.

First Photographs of Hong Kong Kev Nthuav Tawm Qauv

Qhov kev tsim zoo no yog tus yeej ntawm bronze tsim puav pheej hauv cov qauv kos duab, kev tsim vaj tsev thiab kev tsim qauv. Koj yuav tsum tau pom cov bronze puav pheej-yeej cov neeg tsim qauv tsim qauv tsim kom pom ntau lwm yam tshiab, tsim tshiab, qub thiab muaj tswv yim tsim vaj tse, ua haujlwm hauv tsev thiab qauv tsim ua haujlwm.

Tsim kev xam phaj hnub

Xam phaj nrog cov neeg tsim qauv ntiaj teb.

Nyeem cov kev xam phaj zaum kawg thiab sib tham txog kev tsim qauv, tsim kom muaj tswv yim tshiab thiab kev tsim qauv ntawm cov neeg sau xov xwm tsim thiab cov neeg tsim khoom ntiaj teb, cov kws ua yeeb yam thiab cov kws tshaj lij. Pom tseeb cov phiaj xwm tsim qauv tshiab thiab cov khoom plig zoo nkauj los ntawm cov neeg tsim qauv zoo nkauj, cov kws ua yeeb yam, kws ua qauv vaj tsev thiab cov tub ntxhais tsim qauv. Tshawb nrhiav kev pom tshiab ntawm kev muaj tswv yim, kev tsim kho tshiab, kos duab, tsim qauv thiab kos duab. Kawm txog cov txheej txheem tsim ntawm cov neeg tsim qauv zoo.